Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Wonderful World of Retail: Part I

So I have a feeling that this is going to only Part I of what is to come of my blogs in the next few weeks.

As a college, and theology school graduate I have found out what every person wanting to help others should do at some point; Work in Retail. Although, like myself, you might have to sit through hours of boring training videos, which I must say was worse than any class at Candler, you will see how you can really help others. You put a smile on your face, act at all times like your happy to be their, and most important put customers first.

Lesson I of working retail:

There is no right way to tell a person you can only use one promotional coupon per transaction. Most people want to get what they want and for the right price. The more you can discount what they want the more they like you. In Ministry terms, The more appealing you can make Jesus look the more people will want to have a relationship with Jesus. If you tell someone they can only use one coupon per transaction they usually get mad at you and if they don't get mad they might ask if you can do two separate transactions. Ministry terms: If you tell someone Jesus is the only way to heaven they might get mad, however if you explain God's grace in the right way one can see that sometimes we can mess up and come back to Christ.

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