Friday, October 8, 2010

Working Woes

Well I made it. I am not working on the floor as a Sprint Teach Support Service Specialist. Needless to say I am still in training just a different type. Learning Lab is a place where new agents work and have a little extra support. This may sound good, but here are my woes.

I have a new Supervisor. She is kind of crazy. She wants us to graduate Learning Lab by the 15th, of this month! Learning Lab is a 30 day process and that is only 15 days. Second if sales scores are not above red by next week I'll get written up. Sales is not our number 1 or 2 priority. The worse of all is my new schedule lets me spend zero time with family and friends. I work 2pm-10:30 get home and try to unwind which takes a few hours and then sleep 8 or 9 hours a night. Thus I get up shower get a few things done and go back to work.

However, there are a few good things. I have 100% IR, customer service and I earned 50 sales points last night.