Saturday, January 17, 2009

Costs of having a dog

OK so I knew starting out that dogs are expensive. Yes the food,toys, vet visits, and time needed to keep them happy. However today I spent over $250.00 on Rocky. I took him to the vets where he had to get ALL the vaccinations because he had not been to a vet since 2007. $221.17 down the vet hole. Then I headed over the SPCA to register him for to get neutered. That was not bad since I just graduated Candler they only are going to charge me $20. Then they told me Rocky has to be registered with the county or I could get fined. Another $10 fee. I am just glad he is a happy and healthy little guy. I am also glad that I got paid on Thursday. Thank God for having a good job that pays me well.

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