Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beliefs, are they right or wrong?

Tonight I set out for a friends dinner at a local Mexican restaurant and I found myself in the mist of a conversation on beliefs. This I must say was not my fault totally, but I also did not stop it. A man who is in the older singles class and I have started to become friends and he finally decided to ask me what Seminary was like. I probably started this off wrong with saying I went to a school of Theology. I also came straight out and told him it was probably more liberal than he would expect since I was Methodist when I went to seminary. At this point he looked straight at me and ask how liberal. Again not being able to keep my mouth shut I told him about some of the classes I took like Biomedical Pastoral Ethics. Hahaha, I was digging a hole. He asked about situations I had been given in my pastoral care classes and I could only think of the one I loved the most. It was a situation where I was placed as a pastor of a church that was somewhat conservative in their thinking about homosexuality and a homosexual couple came to me asking to baptise their adopted child. I just completely dug that hole to China. He asked about my feeling about homosexual people being allowed in church and I said it was a good thing. Than he asked me about child baptism. I told him I agreed with it and that I was raised in a denomination where it was done. I guess I might as well have just dug the hole thought the ozone layer and now I am out in space. He then told me I was wrong and that he thought he could change my mind. Yeah Right!!!!! I guess you could say I might not be baptist anymore if my thoughts get out.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Well, Rachel- I have to ask then...why are you involved in the Baptist denomination? If you don't hold the same beliefs, don't agree with their stance on some big things, and you are a woman interested in parish ministry, then it seems that this is not the right choice for you. Just a concerned thought.