Thursday, January 14, 2010

Working from Home?!?!

So as I told everyone in my last blog I got a new job. I have finished my training and I am now working from home. The only question is whether or not this is going to be good for me. I love being able to be around Rocky all day, take my 15 min breaks to just go out walking, and love the freedom I feel I am getting. The only problem is the freedom. Yes freedom is a good and bad thing. My full first day at home I work up with a horrible migraine and could barely get up. So I data mined 300 pages and went back to bed for a few hours as my medication set in. Now I did end up working for seven hours that day, but did not do nearly as much as I did when I was working in the office. It seems this being able to not be as productive as I was at work has started to be a trend. I have gotten all my hours in, but I just feel like I am not as productive.

As for the new apartment it is wonderful and I will post pictures as rooms become unpacked and arranged.

1 comment:

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

I feel the same way about studying from home. Bruce even got my desk all set up this year - but I still have a hard time focusing. Let me know if you find anything that works for you!!