Wednesday, December 9, 2009


As I sit here after three crazy days of working I wonder if I will make it through the rest of the week. To start off with I do have to say I had a great Sunday off from all forms of work and enjoyed resting and studying. However, I have worked as a Substitute teacher three days this week. I have worked one 7:30-11:30 shift at Bath and Body Works. Which let me tell you getting home at 11:45 to be up by 6am does not work well with me. I have to relax before I can sleep so it was at latest 2 am when I feel asleep. I work again tomorrow at Bath and Body Works as well as host a Karaoke Night for Events and Adventures. Then Friday I work at 9:45 am at Bath and Body Works. I truly love all the jobs I am doing, but can I just have a day to sleep. Three part time jobs is killing me. I don't know how people have a life of doing this type of thing. I REALLY need to find a stable full time job soon.

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