Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So Life just keeps getting more interesting. I ended my time at chapelwood last Thursday. Since then I have been having a good, but strange time.

Friday I took Laurel, the girl I sponsored on Chrysalis, to Phantom of the Opera. We had such a blast. I have seen the musical three times and Laurel saw it for the first time. It was so cool being with someone who had never seen it before. It was a good production, but they left out the roses. I was kind of sad.

Saturday I went to the Chrysalis reunion with Laurel and then to the boys Chrysalis. We had a blast. I got to serve the guys at the Agape Dinner. We sang to them and served their meal it was quite fun. I then spent half the night talking with Thomas. Such a good guy.

Sunday I went out and tried a new church. It was nice but no one was talked to me at service and only two people talked to me at Sunday school. The messages were good. I went out for Brunch with friends at Rainbow Lodge. Had an amazing lodge. Went to my Friend Nici's birthday dinner. Then got in a car accident with a pot hole. Yes a pot hole. I bruised by jaw and a rib. The car is ok but I had to pay $1600 to get it fixed.

Monday I slept and rested all day. Got my car from Houston and got my pain killers. Then I started the packing and have been packing ever since. Well that is in between the sleeping and trying not to hurt my back or rib again. I have also been looking for jobs while resting. I am seriously thinking about becoming a teacher since they have a program where I can teach for 2 years while I take the classes to get certified as a teacher.

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