Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Honeymoon is Over

So in life I find that many things have a honeymoon period. Jobs being one of them. Yes at first we may love them. everything is happy, simple, and you feel like this is the best thing in the world to ever happen to you. Up until this week I have felt this way about my job. Yes I have had some struggles with things so far, but they have passed. However, now I am so overwhelmed with a bad situation that I know the honeymoon is over. I know the problem is not my fault it was there before I came to the church. Everyone at some point in their youth goes through a rough patch of time and well teens can be horrible to each other. I knew that youth ministry was hard, but I love youth. I had been a youth minister for a year before and never encountered these problems. Yet here I am miles, hours, and flights away from any of my friends and family when I really just need to be around them. Yeah Yeah I know kind of depressing, but the past few days have just sucked the life out of me. I also know that God is going to get me and the youth through this. I know God sent me here for a reason and well maybe helping these youth and their parents get over themselves is it.

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