Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Goodbye Lynn

Today My parents called from North Carolina to tell me Lynn was not doing well. She still was not acting like herself and they thought she was suffering. I am writing this post as a way to say goodbye.
My Sweet Lynn,
I cannot say how sorry I am I was not able to be with you today. To hold you and make sure you made it safely to the rainbow bridge. I cannot stop thinking about the day I saw you at the Pet Smart in Atlanta and heard your story. How all at once I knew that you belonged with me and how your foster mom knew it as well. The two years since that day have been nothing by happy when you were by my side. The way we found an understanding of one another was wonderful. I got to watch you turn from a skinny sick dog into a beautiful healthy one. The love and trust we had for each other grew each and everyday. I know you had a hard life, but I am glad that I was able to give you two good and wonderful loving years. The smile that was captured in this photo of you, only shows how truly happy your life was once we were together. My little dog, My girl, I am going to miss you and I will always love you. I know someday we will see each other again as I walk across that rainbow bridge and you come running through the fields to jump into my arms. I love you so much Lynn.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Rachel I'm so sorry. You're in my prayers. Lynn was a very lucky dog.