Sunday, May 17, 2009

Graduation Relizations

So I have been visiting family for the past week in Atlanta and Raleigh. First the start with my graduation then off to my parents place. I loved my visit with my family, but I missed my freedom.

Now for the realizations. As I began to sit and think about my life now I began to see how different I am. As I sat and looked out at the other graduates of Candler I started to realize how changed I am. My Candler peers are all just starting their lives and careers. I have already started by life outside Candler. I have moved on. People began asking questions about my life, where I had been the past four months, and what had changed in me.

I am happier, healthier, and more connected than I ever was in my time at Candler. I have new friends, a new life, and a new outlook. Yes there is drama at the church, but I am handling it better. Yes there are time when I miss my family and friends, but I have realized they are only a phone call away. I also realize that I have new friend who I love to death. I know that I am blessed and hope that this knowledge stays with me during the hard times.

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