Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Smarter and the Average Puppy

I know everyone thinks this but I have an amazing a smart 22 week old puppy. Tonight after 8 weeks of class my little Rosey graduated. She can do this so fast and learns as if her little brain is a sponge. She can sit, stay, and get herself out of a metal dog crate in less than one minute. Yes I said less than one minute. Rosey has discovered that 1) she does not like metal dog crates and 2) that she can get out of them even when they are locked. This realization has lead us to a few conclusions.

Rosey should never be put in a metal crate. She can escape too fast and well what is the point if she can escape. So we shall be using a plastic crate. She has not learned how to get out of the plastic one yet.

She is highly intelligent. My family has had many Bernese Mountain Dogs in the past and none of them have ever figured out how to get out of the metal crate.

The final realization. Rosey is smarter than the average puppy.

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