Saturday, July 31, 2010

Alone Time

As I have been out of my parents house for almost ten years before my return in May I had many times alone to think, sleep, play, pray, ect. Now that I am back home I am realizing just how much I loved those times. The times when it was just me and the dog(s). The days when I could just relax and take times to myself to go over everything that was going on in my life or just sit and watch tv all day without interruption from anyone. Now I would given anything for a day to myself. Time to think, feel, or just relax without someone else in the house. Every Friday I get half a day of my alone time as everyone is working until my grandfather gets home from volunteering at 1pm. I have found that Fridays are my favorite day because I do get my alone time. Get me on this I am a totally extrovert, but I do have introvert tendencies. I love being around people, but come on we all need some alone time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree that everybody needs alone time. I think it is great that you can move back in with your parents after being on your own for so long. That is awesome and hope things work out for you.