Friday, February 13, 2009

Meeting of Minds

This week has been so full for me. I feel like things are falling into place a little more and that I am really making a difference here. Wednesday night I had the best Jr High Bible Study yet. We talked about the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Mainly the differences and how without the Holy Spirit we would be missing out. I got to talk to one of the youth guys that night about how to pray to God and have a meaningful relationship. I felt so empowered.

Yesterday I had a meeting of TYME (Texas Youth Ministers Enrichment). We went to Bo's Place in Houston. It made me so sad. Bo's Place is a house where people with children can go if they lost a child or parent. They have these little dogs named Razen that they give to the kids when they come to the house for the first time. It reminded me of my cousin Jimmy, and how he is still struggling with his sister Allison's death three years ago. I bought him a Razen and am sending it to him next week. At the meeting I meet some other youth ministers that I really got a long with. One of them was really nice and around my age. We talked about different things going on with our youth ministries. It felt so nice to get to talk with someone else who understands what I am going through.

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