Friday, January 30, 2009


Since starting out in full time ministry I am realizing that my flaws are starting to bother me more.

First off, I am a total people pleaser. So much so that I have needed to get a new cell phone plan since moving to Texas because there are NO Alltels for over 100 miles. I knew my mom would be ticked off, so I put off doing it until the youth ran up a $50 bill worth of texts. I now have a texting plan that costs less every month. Along with that I am having a hard time writing and delivering my sermons because everyone kind of expects me to be perfect. They waited for a youth minister for 9 months, so a lot of the parents and youth think I must be really awesome. Hahaha

Secondly, I am becoming a total home body. I have only meet a few young people and they are all married. Also there are no young adult groups at any of the local churches. Soooo, I am hanging out at my place with Rocky a lot. If I am not doing that then I am hanging out with my youth or co-workers (who are all like 20-30 years older than me).

I do have to say that one of my flaws is not so big now as it used to be thought. I have much more self-esteem. People down here don't look at me funny because I am a bigger person. This has caused me to actually loose weight!! I cannot believe that it has affected my eating habits so much.

Well I have seen these flaws coming out in me I am realizing something big. It is ok to be Flawed!

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